Top 10 Articles About Blog Promotion You Should Read

How to promote my blog? How to get more traffic? What should I do to get more readers? I am sure that you ask this questions to yourself all the time. Probably it's the reason why you are reading my post. There are tons of articles about it in the Internet and I have chosen top 10 that are really worth reading.

1. 101 Ways to Build Link Popularity by Aaron Wall - awesome article with 101 great ideas  about promoting link to you website.

2. The Myth of ‘Great Content’ Marketing Itself - Famous PROBLOGGER writes sad truth about blogs - you have to market your great articles if you want make people to read it!

3. 9 Things to Do To Make Sure Your Next Blog Post is Read by More than Your Mom - Post written by same author as above - he really knows what is he writing about.

4. 10 Important Facts of Blog Promotion - 10 facts about traffic sources you should now.

5. The Power of a ReTweet! - What you should know about promoting your website by Twitter (1 ReTweet is much more important that 1 Follower!).

6. 9 Ways to Use Social Networking for Blog Promotion - How to use Social Media Websites to promote your blog.

7. DoFollow Link Building - Article about building your search engine link popularity by making comments in DoFollow blogs (and here is quite big Do Follow Blog List).

8. 9 SEO Plugins Every WordPress Blog Should Have - you should remember that most valuable traffic you get is from search engines. This article shows 9 great plugins to optimize your blog for search engine robots.

9. Technorati Research: How Do You Attract Visitors to Your Blog? - How others do it? Some statistical numbers showing most popular ways of blog promotion.

10. How Not to Promote Your Blog: Top 10 Broken Blog Promotion Strategies - One more article by PROBLOGGER. You really need to read it if you don't want to overdose any technique described above.

This articles describe most secrets of successful blog promoting methods you should know. All of this sites have been bookmarked by me and I decided to share this list with you as there is a lot of great information for every one that want to get more readers to their blog. If you know more interesting resources that can bring more new information please post a link in the comments.

12 Responses to “Top 10 Articles About Blog Promotion You Should Read”

  • Wonderful compilation. I’m going to set a goal to read one article per day until I finish the list. Keep up the posting.

  • Thanks for this information… Maybe I must read all of them… Yeah… Happy Blogging!

  • One of the best ways to get readers to your blog early on is to leave comments on other blogs. Of course, there’s a right and wrong way to go about this.

    thanks for post loved it

  • I’ve read several of the articles you listed above. but the one that helped me a lot is when you provide the do-follow blog list! Bloggers like me have a hard time looking for huge do-follow blogs in the blogosphere

  • Wow! Thanks for organizing this and putting these together. I will be sure to read each of them and remember every detail. Thanks for the help!

  • Great post, You made these all easy for the blogger, happy blogging All

  • its help me to promote my product… thanks…

  • Thanks for your great contribution for SEO. Definitely will bookmark your blog.It will be very useful for newbies for blogs and also for keen bloggers. Keep up the good work….

  • Kreci, hats off for compiling a crackerjack post like this. So many of us are not aware of such excellent resources available in the web despite researching on Google for hours together. I bet when done reading with all the articles listed above a beginner can become novice in web promoting. I personally was in need of some tools like all bloggers and the 9 wordpress plugins mentioned by problogger is amazing and highly helpful. Thanks again for your efforts.

  • Thanks Kreci, I had some of these bookmarked – but it’s always nice to read some more of these excellent articles.

  • I didn’t have all of these bookmarked, just number 3. But the other articles were really helpful, especially with Twitter. I hadn’t been using Twitter alongside my blog, and I guess if it made this list.. I should.

  • I had Aaron Walls feed in my reader and I regularly update myself with all the posts there. Now I thin I should add your feed too. Thanks for piling up this list together. I prefer to use it as a checklist rather than articles.

    Mack McMillan

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