Booking Calendar Lite 1.2 released!

Calendar demo

This post is to inform you about update of "Booking Calendar Lite". New release is whole about bug fixes and optimization and it does not provide any new features. But it is still recommended to upgrade your current installation to improve reliability and performance.

To upgrade your current installation you should follow these four simple steps:

  1. Backup your current files.
  2. Unpack new version (download from this page).
  3. Copy these files from your backup “”, “”, “” to your new version directory (overwrite if necessary).
  4. Remove “install.php” from your new version directory.

Any new features requests and problems with current version can be reported with comments to this post.

1 Responses to “Booking Calendar Lite 1.2 released!”

  • I haven’t heard of this program, but anything with “lite” catches my interest. How is it compared to Calendarscope (I’ve been using the latter for over a year).

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