It looks that the world got crazy because of rumors caused by yesterday tweet from HTC_NL that is official Netherlands twitter account. Moreover HTC webpage for China has been updated with information that HTC Desire phone will be shipped with Android 2.2. Both information has been confirmed by engadget - that may be considered as a trustworthy source of news.
Tag Archive for 'update'
Just wondering is it google pagerank update in progress? Most of us don't care... or rather they say that they don't care about their PageRank as it is not as important factor in search engine optimization as it used to be. Anyway it is still showing you if you are going a right way. Moreover it increase website value when you trade links or just going to sell it. Additionally it makes your website look much more serious as not totally new but established with some good quality backlinks.
If you think there is no any difference in @reply and @mention when used in your twitter status message you are so wrong! I have lost quite a lot of my messages exposure because of this mistake. I do not have thousands of followers but I am running twitter web 2.0 app that pushes a lot of status updates for other users. And because of my "small" mistake I have been loosing a lot of exposure till today! Twitter stuff write about it on their blog as a feature but for me it was a pain to get to know about it. And probably most of you don't know how it works exactly.
So you need to use subversion and you have no idea where to start? I will try to help you by providing you a basic knowledge with some examples. In this post you will learn how to get SVN repository from server to your local machine, make changes and send it back to the server.
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This post is to inform you about update of "Booking Calendar Lite". New release is whole about bug fixes and optimization and it does not provide any new features. But it is still recommended to upgrade your current installation to improve reliability and performance.
New version of MiniUrlz url shortening script have been released. It have some great and very useful new features. Here is a list of some that may be most interesting:
- Redirect all traffic from deleted or not existing shortcuts to url of your choice,
- Click count,
- Last click date,
- Shortcut creation date,
- General code cleanup - improved administrator panel readability.
If you are going to upgrade your WordPress installation soon you should read this post. A few days ago when I woke up and as usual turned on my notebook to check my mail and my sites stats. I have noticed and upgrade message in WordPress admin panel "WordPress 2.8.5 is available! Please update now". I have decided I will not ignore this update and it was the beginning of my trouble.