It is always the hardest at the beginning. Especially when you have no portfolio that you can show and no real world contacts that my help you to be promoted. No one really cares that your are good in this what are you doing and that you have awesome knowledge on subject.
Tag Archive for 'marketing'
Yesterday I have been writing about affiliate pretty links marketing power (right here). Today I will learn you how to set it up. And believe me that It is really easy to do.
First you will need to set up a subdomain with your hosting company (or any other that manage your DNS). Usually you may set it up with your hosting web management panel (or ask you administrator to do it). When you have you pretty subdomain you may make your redirects with .htaccess. But then you would need to set it up for each of your affiliate links. But I would not suggest such solution as it is very time consuming and hard to manage. But there is a much better way to do it! It is your own URL shortening script.
This post is about tools that most of you have already seen somewhere in the web. But most of you have never been thinking about such simple and effective use of it. If you want to increase clicks to your affiliate links for as much as 20% - 30% with traffic you already have you should keep reading.
Even if you have really big traffic on your site it does not mean that you will get tons of clicks to your ads (google adsense or any other). You may believe me or not but there are a few ways you may increase clicks to your ads without breaking any ad program rules... Some people just put ads anywhere on their site and are waiting for a huge revenue. But it does not work this way. You need to know what are you doing or you will have to learn it from your own mistakes and loose a lot of time.
How to promote my blog? How to get more traffic? What should I do to get more readers? I am sure that you ask this questions to yourself all the time. Probably it's the reason why you are reading my post. There are tons of articles about it in the Internet and I have chosen top 10 that are really worth reading.