March is almost over so it is a high time to sum up all me income from February. In February I have spent a lot of time to start my new projects like my eBook "Make Money on Android" and iPhone applications. The first one has been finished and have already generated some income in last days of previous month. Moreover I am very happy for your great feedback about my eBook (please give me more!). The second one is still work in progress and I will have some work to be done and a lot of things to learn before building income from it.
Tag Archive for 'Android'
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Despite the fact that I have partially answered that in one of my earlier posts (Is it hard to become an Android developer…?) - I am still getting a lot of questions asking me how to become an Android developer. It is why I have decided to write about this once again. I know that the hardest in Android development is the beginning. I has been in the same situation and I lost a lot of time just to find the short intro that would tell me where should I start. In this post I will try to answer you by showing you the path. You will not learn anything right here - but you will know where should you start your adventures with this little funny Android robot (I bet you will like him sooner or later!).
It is little late as I have been busy with some projects of mine but it is already here. My another income report. This time I will sum all my independent developer income made on January. As many of you have been expecting after Christmas time there is little slow down - especially as most of my income comes from ads. And massive investing advertisers target was December. Anyway I still have made some solid income and I am investing all my time to earn even more in future months.
I am happy to announce that my eBook marketing report "Make Money on Android" has been finished! From now on it is publicly available and can be purchased from my blog!
So if you wish you could make over $3000.00 per month on Android Apps this eBook is for you!
Update: eBook have been updated with new monetization methods and updated stats on 16.05.2012! With the update a new price has been introduced. Believe me it is worth it!
Update #2: My eBook has been released! You may get it from this link "Make Money on Android". Comments to this post has been closed!
Old post:
In most of my posts I am just sharing information about Android, my online income and Android market revenue. I am giving you a lot of information. As some of you have sad in your comments some are inspiring and some are just useful. This post is other than the rest. This time you won't learn anything new. This time I will ask you about something. But I will give you something in return as well. I will give you free copies of my new ebook about making money with Android (with free apps!).
Another month is finished so it is the high time for the summary of my monthly income. Since this post I will be comparing my monthly income accordingly to the previous month. You will be easily seeing increase or decrease of my earnings in each of my income sources. As I have highlighted in my last report (#5) I have mainly focused on Android applications development as it is the most passive (and highest) of my income sources.
It is high time for my another income report. I used to write my total developer income reports (last one "Gave up a day job! Now what? – Income report #3") and last month I have summed my "Android Income Report" (not included previously). As I am switching mostly to Android application development I have decided to write just a one total report. So here it is! My "Developer Income Report #5".
My last post (Android Developer Income Report) caused a lot of questions about how to jump into Android apps development. It is very surprising for me as earnings I have presented are not even close to most of iPhone developers income. Anyway the future of Android developers is looking very bright and there is a lot of space for new applications ideas... So if you are still really interested in making Android development a serious source of your monthly income this post may be helpful as a starting point... Here are statements I have read before I started to develop for Android...
A lot of people says that there is no real money in the Android development. They say that if you want to make money you should write for iPhone, iPad and all other iThings... This is not true! I am not a one of guys that is making thousands of dollars but my income seems to be steady and is still growing.
Moreover I am not one of top developers nor any of my apps have been promoted by Android Market. I am just an one among of thousands of Android developers with not to well known apps. And what may be really surprising all my apps are free as Google do not allow developers from my country (Poland) to sell apps via Android Market!
It looks that the world got crazy because of rumors caused by yesterday tweet from HTC_NL that is official Netherlands twitter account. Moreover HTC webpage for China has been updated with information that HTC Desire phone will be shipped with Android 2.2. Both information has been confirmed by engadget - that may be considered as a trustworthy source of news.