Gave up a day job! Now what? – Income report #3

So here is my another monthly income report. At the beginning I would like to thank to all my loyal readers that are visiting my site (leave a comment on this post with a short HI if you want me to keep writing more reports). It is little late to write report for the May - but as the popular saying in Poland tells - better late than never. My last moth was a best since I gave up a day job. Many factors have caused it as I got cash flow from a lot of different income sources.

Passed my monthly goal last month and...

If you have read my previous reports you probably know that my first income goal was as low/high as $1000.- per month (as it was income in my day job). And as you know I have passed it in previous month by making ...[PLEASE LOG IN TO READ]...! This month is not worse! I will tell you in secret that it was a way better!

So tell me about the money!

So here is your (and mine) favorite part of my monthly income posts. The numbers! As in last month I will start from lowest income source to the highest. So the number one is...

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In total it is ...[PLEASE LOG IN TO READ]...! Made more than triple of my monthly income goal! And who said you can't make money online...?

It looks that my "temporary" source income - that the website flipping is - makes most money like for now! Unfortunately I have not been working on this part of income anymore as I am spending most of my time on Android application development (this month income from Android will be "little" higher than in this report).

So how does it look according to my $1000.- monthly goal...? I think it is not so bad at all... Mostly I would like to hear some comments from people that answered me in my first month as an independent developer in words like "go and search for real job!"...

What about future plans...?

Unfortunately my next month will not look so good as I am spending most of my time on building my stable passive monthly income (mostly from Android applications).

You may say I am crazy as I have so many other income alternatives. But I want to do this what I really like. And if I will have problems with my income I will come back to other things that I has already been generating some nice income and can be repeated...

The bad thing in my current plan is that I can not sell applications on Android Market (developers from Poland are not allowed to do it yet) so I need to make money on ads... And it is slightly harder... But with each day my account balance is looking better and better and Google expands paid apps market so some day... who knows...

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