Make Money on Android – eBook Released!

I am happy to announce that my eBook marketing report "Make Money on Android" has been finished! From now on it is publicly available and can be purchased from my blog!

So if you wish you could make over $3000.00 per month on Android Apps this eBook is for you!

Update: eBook have been updated with new monetization methods and updated stats on 16.05.2012! With the update a new price has been introduced. Believe me it is worth it!

Make Money on Android - is great marketing guide to make real money on free Android applications. Ebook has been written based on my experience and I can guarantee that all described methods really work!

Here are first reviews (from the comments below):

Althought I first thought too that $20 was way too much , I bought it and I can declare that FOR ME (disclaimer: I repeat: FOR ME) the first advise is being worth the money. Thanks! - David Erosa

20$ for knowledge about making thousands of dollars is a joke price for me, really. Good ebook for people who serious think about making money from Android. - Paweł Białecki

Thanks to this 30 pages eBook you will learn:

  • How to make your application popular from the first day on the Android Market
  • How to increase popularity of your app for free
  • How to successfully monetize your free Android applications (many monetization methods!)
  • How to increase your revenue with ADs free apps without additional work
  • How to promote your applications for free
  • How much can you earn on free Android apps (based on my real stats - lastly updated!)
  • How not to lose time for bad applications
  • Answer to 22 frequently asked questions from my blog subscribers (posted here)!

Plus I will give you 7 days money back guarantee!

If you won't be satisfied with this ebook you can contact me with the reason in up to 7 days from purchase and I will give you your money back!

Click below to get your copy right now:

[ here is the notice ]

With this ebook you will not learn Android applications development! It is just a marketing guide! If you would like to learn programming Android applications you should check books like “Hello, Android” and “Beginning Android 2“.

73 Responses to “Make Money on Android – eBook Released!”

  • Great, I don’t know if I deserve the gift from the previous post, but if I don’t I’ll get it ASAP ;)

  • Hi Chris,
    I follow this blog, and your ebook sounds interesting. I would definitely buy it at $10, but $20 is too much for me.
    Best wishes,

  • I’m eagarly awaiting my gift from you :)

    best wishes,

  • Althought I first thought too that $20 was way too much , I bought it and I can declare that FOR ME (disclaimer: I repeat: FOR ME) the first advise is being worth the money. Thanks!

  • 20$ for knowledge about making thousands of dollars is a joke price for me, really. Good ebook for people who serious think about making money from Android.

    Chris, I saw you have very nice CTR compared to me (1-1.5%). If you are still looking for new topics for your ebook, increasing CTR and Fill Rate will be good for me :)

  • Hello!

    I just ordered your book, literally 1 min ago, and i cant wait to read it! its my first time ordering an ebook, maybe this is a silly question, but will i get it via e-mail? and if so, how long before it arrives?

    My second silly question… am i right in saying you use admob? i recently tried to register and it required me to put in “state” but im not from the US, im from the UK… how did you get around this?

    3rdly… you should make a section on your site where everyone can share the apps they have made via your site and even their income, i know i would share mine!

    Thank you.

    • You should be redirected after the payment is completed. I will check your order now and answer your other questions in a few minutes.

      • I wasn’t redirected,or maybe I closed the page too soon. But thank you for sorting out the issue in less then 12hours, much appreciated! I cant wait to read the book!!!!!! Maybe ill write a little review later too.

        Look forward to your answers.


    • I have used AdMob in the past too and I’m in the UK – as far as I remember, there was a way to choose another country but I can’t remember the exact form. They definitively accept devs from outside the US without any problem.

    • Well, my apps made and on the market you can see it here or just search “smelly app” its crap, but its a start. The e-book has helped me plan for the next few weeks/months on what i need to do to increase revenue. Im completely new to admob and android, in face its the first app ive hard coded and developed myself, so im glad i have some real financial figures to guide my route.
      let me know what you think of the app!
      Oh and of course, feel free to rate it 5 stars and comment about how great it is :P

      After 2months maybe ill release the finances too!


  • Well, I downloaded the 2 most popular apps that appear in the store for KreCi. (Cracked Screen and Xray) I will not say that there is out right trickery. However perhaps accidental click through promotion. It is in regards to the placement of the ad on cracked screen. Right smack dab in the center of the bottom of the device screen. (Where the apps list key is on many devices.) I know I often turn on my phone and hit that location out of instinct if I know the app I want isn’t on my home screens. (So if you left the app open when trying to fool whomever you wish to fool and placed your device in sleep then opened it again later. Click) Another factor that might promote additional clicks is that none of the icons on the screen work (since it is really just a picture of your desktop with an overlay, or perhaps just a mostly transparent ap or widget) so if you handed it to your friend and had the touch to break option set, then they go to click an icon and it breaks they may click around to see if any of the screen works leaded them to the ad the one thing that does respond to clicks. So I’m not saying it was intentional or even does assist in CTR but it could.
    Moral of that story is, if you are going to trick users in to clicking ad’s don’t make it obvious. (I have seen apps that seem to place ad’s over key UI elements at just the right time.)

    Since there was no obvious trickery I bought the book. Since the book is only 20 pages (2 of which are the table of contents and 3 of which of FAQ that the response is basically “it is in the book” (and it is, it is a product of questions being asked by people who either didn’t read the book or don’t understand simple concepts.) 1 page of the FAQ is relevant I can’t say a great deal about it, otherwise I would be essentially giving away the “secrets.” I can however say that the book contains Essentially 6 tips in broads spectrum.

    A not so obvious “Feature” in the android marketplace
    A tip that is directly related to the above tip
    A not so well know analytical tool (Not covered in the main text but in one of the useful FAQ’s)
    An obvious tip that by me saying anything about would give the tip away
    Understand the tools you use to monetize your app
    Something that makes me sad and says a great deal about the world at large (Do you want to make money, or useful apps?)

    One thing that I was unclear on in the book is if the monetary amounts are in the Zloty (The author is Polish) or in US Dollars. The use of the “$” symbol leads me to believe it is USD. (However I am not sure if Admob does automatic currency conversion.) If it is in the Zloty ($0.37 USD) then the amounts made in USD are actually $370+ which still isn’t to shabby for additional income.

    Tip’s 1-3 will be of use to me (the only apps that I have made were not made for the market but to be used in conjunction with in house systems at my employer so I can’t put these tips into action yet.) These tips will likely make me back the cost of the book (maybe more) so I will consider it worth the money.

    However, something for you all to consider, the things that will likely take the most time to develop will likely be for the most savvy and least likely to click on ad’s kind of people. The apps that will likely make you the most money are for the frat boys and sorority girls who can’t wait to show off the “super cool and funny” things their new smart phone can do. So if you wish to make a living off of making apps that are useful you also need to spend some time making apps that please the masses.

  • Hello and congratulations for your beautiful site.
    I have paid for the ebook and i didn’t press ““Back to the seller” ,so i don’t have the download link.
    Please check it.

    Thank you

  • I’ll buy it, first or soon, I don’t care if it is only 20 pages, instead I’m happy about that. Because It means that I will read all of it!! :)

    I need to put 20 dollar on my paypal card and then I buy the book!

  • Hi,

    I bought the ebook before the update. Can I still get the update or do I have to pay for it again?


  • Kreci, I want to buy your book but I am from Pakistan and PayPal is not available here :(

  • I bought the book .. but accidently closed the window :( :(

  • Hi,

    Just bought your ebook, it has some good tips.But I was wondering if you can add a bit more info on your current stats. I would really like to see some reports about your active installs versus daily usage. I can imagine for example your cracked screen app will not be used daily. So can you give some more information about daily usage versus income. Also maybe some stats how long users keep the application installed. This information can provide a lot more in dept insight for picking a correct type of application to develop. For instance, an app may have 1.000.000 installs the usage is very low, versus an app that has less installs but more usage.


  • Is possible to use your method to make money even if I live outside USA?

  • Hola, acabo de comprar el libro por paypal pero no veo el link de descarga, cuanto tengo que esperar?


    • Hello. Please write in English. I have translated it via Google translator to understand your question. If you have not been redirected to download page please contact me via a contact form on this blog and I will mail you download link.

  • Hi KreCi, i’m finishing an Android GAME, do u think your book could help me monetize it?

  • I like all ur posts. Nice job keep it up brother. Am a Tanzanian student, and I have started programming language course. But that E-book is expensive to me….

  • Can you post a table of contents of your ebook?

  • Thanks for $ 1300 per day, no joke!

  • Hi Cris,

    I just downloaded your e-book and read it right away. I am developer too, and I already had experienced some of the situations and actions you describe but the book is still good value, mostly in the encourage area, and I really wanted to buy it as a THANK YOU!. I read your blog around one year ago and decided to build my own free app when I saw your figures, and I am generating a good amount of income that I would have never generated if I had not read an article about you in a popular newspaper in Spain and then looked for your blog.

    Now, in your book you show some really nice add impression figures, but are they being generated on the 60 to 120 seconds refresh rate AdMob offers or do you just launch one single ad-request from your code when the app runs, so those requests figures would really close to daily executions of your apps? (based on the ctr I’d say it is the second one but I’d like to be sure)


    • I am launching just a one single AD request. I am really glad you find my eBook useful. I have not know about article about me. Could you send me a scan of it?

  • Hi Kreci,

    I’m trying to buy the ebook, but whenever I open the paypal link, even if I’m logged in, the payment doesn’t go through. Do you accept any other payment methods? If not, could you please give me your details so I can send the payment directly to your account?

    Thanks in advance.

  • $1 per page, that is a fucking joke.

  • I have bought this ebook 6 months ago. It gave me some great ideas, and this updated version even more. I think that anyone interested in making some money using android must buy this ebook. Since it is updated for free, you will be always in touch whith best monetizing practices!

    Thanks KreCi for sharing with us!
    Best of luck!

  • Have been interested to buy the book for a long time but just got some questions before buying..

    You say that the book costs $20 but when I press the paypal link it says $29?

    Which format is it? Would like both epub and pdf if it’s possible? If not I would prefer the epub-format.


  • I have got an old copy of the book, purchase in nov-dec 2011, will I get an updated copy for free as advertised, and if so, how do I get it..!

  • Richard Stranberg

    Looking forward to the new version of the ebook. As I am about to release my first app, these additional new tips will be useful!
    (I contacted you on your webform.)

    Thanks, KreZCi!

  • Android Enthusiast

    Your book looks interesting, but I agree that it’s way too expensive. Is this book sale where you try to get your $3000 monthly?

    If it were really a good book, seems like the $5 – $10 range with triple the sales would be a better approach.

  • thanks but i dnt have an idea how to become best programmer from beginer

  • Sorry, I live in one of those 3 countries where Paypal is not available (particularly in Georgia). Is there any other way to buy the book?

    Btw, any extra advice for countries without Paypal? Is it still feasible to make some money with ads? I guess most of the ads providers use Paypal….


  • Hi KreCi,

    I bought your e-book on last year. So how can I get the latest e-book for version 2.0. (I don’t have username & password to access your WordPress.)

    Best regards,
    Peerapong Charoepong

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