Make Money on Android – Version 2 Released!

Just as promised I have prepared new version of my "Make Money on Android" eBook. It is based on previous edition with a lot of content added and some edited. Subtitle has been changed to "How to make $3000.00 on free Android apps" (instead of $1500.00) as info included have easily doubled my income. Moreover newest version have 3o pages in total (instead of 20). Now I have good and bad news. Firstly the good news. Updated version of eBook is free for all who have previously purchased old edition! You just need to login with your password to my blog members area to download it! If you still do not have your password (bought eBook before I have set up login/password system), please contact me via my web form with your purchase ID. Now the bad news. If you have not previously bought my eBook the new price is $29.95 (instead of $19.99). Anyway as you may see in comments on the purchase page it is worth the price!

If you are wondering what new may be found on the eBook - here is the summary:

  • New monetization methods for you free Android apps (double your current income!)
  • How to make more money without ADs and no additional work...
  • Updated promotion methods chapter!
  • Updated income stats!
  • And many fixes and improvements!

If you think the price is too high you need to verify comments of current buyers again! I am not charging per page but for the knowledge that for many of other Android developers have doubled or even tripled their income! Price has been set on $29.95 to be sure that only developers who are really interested in Android development and want to invest money in their business buy it. I do not want to spread all of the info around to people who are not serious about their business.

If you are looking for more info about my eBook please visit my purchase page. All comments from readers of new eBook version are welcome and highly desired (under this post).

Good Luck!
Chris (aka KreCi)

31 Responses to “Make Money on Android – Version 2 Released!”

  • Great. I purchased the first version of the book but never started implementing the tips as I am not very good with android programming (yet). Downloading the version 2 now. Hope it will have good info to motivate me to start working on the apps.

  • “How to make more money without ADs and no additional work” i wonder how is that possible? lol It must be a secret trick eheh. Didnt know you were updating the price for the book :\ Actually i dont know why i thought you were about to stop selling the book because of so many copy cats that have been bugging you lately. Anyway congratulations with the new release :)

  • Thanks for the updated book, great timing, I have been working on a simple project and now I’m implementing the main steps to get great downloads, lets hope that I choose wisely if you know what I mean. Great new info thanks a lot!

  • Cool, its so bad you increased price :(

    I have question about ad network payments. When they pay you, lets assume $3000, when they send the money to your bank account, do you lose money on currency change or do you have dollar account?


  • I have purchased your ebook before and i have contacted with you 4 days ago and you haven’t sent the updated version yet!

  • MAY:
    – AdMob eCPM = 0.79$
    – total number of requests = 120k
    – fill rate = 99.51%

    Do you also have such a small eCPM @admob ?

  • P.S. I wouldn’t mind even paying $10 for an upgrade having purchased the book before! Let me know Kreci, and I’ll gladly make a donation!


  • Kreci, I’ve sent you an e-mail on May 31 asking you thye user password to have acces to the e-book updated.

    In thsi e-mail I’ve sent you the data related to the e-book transaction (paypal).

    I also posted a comment to this srticle telling you about the e-mail but up to now there is no answer from you.

    Please, check your e-mail / get in touch with me if you need any information prior to allow me access the ebook update.

    Thank you.

    PS: You don’t need to post this comment. Just get in touch / give me acces to the ebook update.

  • I purchased and downloaded the book and now I try to login and download the update but seemingly can not recall my password. The “Lost password” script sends me a password reset link which reports “Sorry, that key does not appear to be valid.”. Please, assist.

  • Your work seems interesting to buy your ebook.
    I think i will give it a try soon (when i’ll have some time to read in my busy schedule).


  • hi.. i am good in java.i want to learn android and make money. what can i do..plz reply in my mail address.

  • I purchased and looked over the ebook. All of the information is good with exception of your CTR. There was really no information regarding your CTR and how you get 2% + from your screen shot. What categories do you use in Admob? I currently have been doing some test but can’t get my CTR above .60%.

    Could you enlighten me some on this?

  • hi, i cannot find you blog area member.

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