Android Market paid app support for developers from Poland and Czech

Last week I was very surprised when clicked a link to create Google Checkout account and found my country on the list - as till then Poland has not been officially supported. We have been allowed to add free apps to Android Market but could not sell anything! I have immediately filled all forms and registered account on my country with my legal business name and address. Unfortunately I could not add my bank account number as it was not accepted by the form. I could not find any official news anywhere on the Internet about new countries. Moreover message asking me about my AdSense account number has been popping up on my Android Market console.

I have even added my first paid app to the market without any problems. After multiple tries of providing my AdSense publisher id and getting error I gave up and written following message to Android Market support.

I tried Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. Can not join with AdSense
in both cases. I get error:

Failed to add the provided AdSense account. Please check your AdSense
Publisher ID and try again. If you received an error message
previously, please refresh this page before re-submitting your AdSense
Publisher ID.

Two days later I have received e-mail with the reply that meant nothing. Anyway someone have taken some steps to write me back and has started to investigate the case (Poland has still not been added to any official support list). Moreover some rumor has appeared on Facebook and Android Forums. So I have not been the only one that could register! So here is their first reply:

Hello Krzysztof,

Thank you for your note. Our team is currently investigating your report. We hope to have a resolution soon, and will contact you when we have an update or if we need further information.

Thank you for your patience.

If we can assist you further, please let us know.

The Android Market Team

So now I could do nothing more than wait. I have written few messages to polish Android forum. Unfortunately original topic has been hidden by guys that seems to be afraid of sharing such great news and most developers do not have access to it... It seems that some things like links and messages have changed a little in meantime that may be predicting some soon changes.

But all I have written till now is nothing! Today night (of polish time) I have received another reply form Android Market Team! It is first official information I have heard! And it looks that not only Polish developers may expect changes! Here is their reply:


Last week we temporarily activated the ability for Android Market
Developers in Poland and the Czech Republic to create Google Checkout
Merchant Accounts. This ability has since been de-activated and we
appreciate your patience while we work to fully release this support to
our developer community.

You're receiving this email because your developer account currently
contains a paid app. Please note that although you were able to publish
this paid app, your developer account still does not support the PL/CZ
currency types and therefore you cannot be paid out in these currencies.

Please refrain from publishing any further paid apps until we release full
merchant account and currency support for your locale.

We apologize for any inconvenience this issue has caused and we appreciate
your patience while we strive to resolve this issue.

If we can assist you further, please let us know.

The Android Market Team

It looks that we have never been closer to paid apps support for Poland and Czech! So what are your predictions? What may be the final date of opening market for our countries? All comments are welcome and highly desired!

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